[외부행사]High-level International Conference on Water Cooperation |
This is a great honor for us to invite you to participate at the
High-level International Conference on Water Cooperation, which will be held on 20-21 August 2013 in Dushanbe - the capital city of the Republic of Tajikistan. The main objective of the Conference is to contribute to improvement of water cooperation, particularly in a transboundary level, through advocating the successful policies and best practices, wider public participation, encouragement of policy makers to promote water cooperation at all levels for contribution to achieve the internationally agreed goals on water. The Conference also gives an opportunity to discuss and develop new measures aimed to accelerate the efforts on achievement of MDGs and recommendations for further actions after 2015 including contribution to development of the water related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Well-known politicians, scientists and experts will determine within the conference sessions the basic priorities on development and strengthening of dialogue and partnership, elaborate recommendations on implementation of the effective approaches and mechanisms to address the water issues in transboundary river basins, lakes and aquifers. Registration is free and available to all interested parties on the conference website www.hlicwc.org Brief information about the Conference is available in the First Announcement of the conference, which is attached to this message. For more information please contact the Conference Secretariat at secretariat@hlicwc.org and info@hlicwc.org Looking forward to see you in Dushanbe! Sincerely, Conference Secretariat |