[외부행사] 2017 IAHR 특별세션 참가 안내 |
2017년 8월 말레이지아 쿠알라룸푸르에서 열리는 제37 회 국제물환경공학회(IAHR) 세계대회에서 APD를 중심으로 "자연재해위험저감(DRR)을 위한 그린인프라 "라는 특별세션을 운영합니다. 아직 논문제출이 열려 있으니 원하는 회원분들은 세션운영자인 우효섭 (010-8978-4264, hswoo@gist.ac.kr)로 바로 연락하시면요약제출에 도움을 드리겠습니다.아래 영문 자료를 참고하여 주십시오. 감사합니다.
Dear APDmembers:
How are you? I believe everything around you goes perfect. I am organizing a special session of "green infra as DRR measures" at the 2017 IAHR biennial congress in KL. We have collected 9 abstracts registered under the theme to date. I need at least three more papers focused on that topic. The LOC grants special permission for me to submit three more abstracts through the IAHR congress system, latest by 30/11/2016. As you may well know, green infra is being extensively utilized in USA and other countries as a nature-friendly, begin-of -pipe measure of nonpoint source pollution control as well as storm water control. It is being used in EU as "green-blue infra" of an ecological network of vegetation and water. Now it has been extended to the nature-friendly measure of disaster risk reduction (DRR), including among others, use of paddy fields as floodwater retention, costal forest belts as counter measure against storm surge, and reduction measure to heat island effect in building-filled urban areas. So far, I have collected three papers from Japan, two from Korea, one from China, Malaysia and Indonesia, respectively. I hope to have at least threefrom Australia,India (traditional technologies seems very good in India), andother regions.Thank you.
Hyoseop Woo, session organizer