안녕하십니까. 2012년 우리학회가 주관한 국제물환경공학회 아시아태평양
IAHR-APD가 2018년 9윌 2-5일에 인도네시아 족자카르타에서 열립니다.
초록마감이 11월 20일로 연장되었으니 관심 있는 회원들께서는 아래의 웹페이지에서
정보를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
http://iahrapd2018.ugm.ac.id --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Committee of the 21stCongress of the Asia Pacific Division of the
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
(IAHR-APD 2018) is pleased to invite you to submit abstracts for consideration
before you are requested to submit the full paper(s). Kindly visit
http://iahrapd2018.ugm.ac.id for further details. Abstract must be submitted in English Abstract must contain original work that has not been published or
presented identically on previous occasions There are 3 special sessions i.e. special session on Historical Water
Projects and Traditional Water Technologies in the Asia-Pacific Region, special
session on Green Infrastructure as Disaster Risk Reduction Measure, and the
special session on Conceptual ideas to solve problems related to
Hydro-Environment Engineering. You are most welcome to submit your abstract(s)
in these special sessions.
Create New Account, Login and Submit your Abstract
Now! (Deadline: 20 November 2017)