로그인 회원가입
  • 열린광장
  • 행사안내


12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018)
2017.11.14 12:11
회원 제위,

우리 학회가 2010년에 개최한 국제생태수리학회, Intl Symposium on Ecohydraulics 가 2018년 8월 일본 동경에서 열립니다.
생태학과 수리, 수문학의 융합성격인 이번 학회에서는 특히 다양한 특별세션이 계획되어 있습니다. 회원 여러분들의 많은 관심을 기대합니다.

사무국 드림


Dear Colleague

12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018)

The International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, jointly convened by the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and
Research (IAHR), and the International Society for River Science (ISRS) will be held for the 12th time from Aug 19th to 24th in Tokyo.

Objectives of the ISE 2018 are to combine outstanding science and management of aquatic biota, e-flows, lake and river restoration,
to produce innovation for environmental issues of our surrounding water in a rapidly changing world, and to share the knowledge and
views of water related disaster protection.

The Symposium will proceed with three main themes,
a) Aquatic biota movements

b) E-flows, i.e. environmental, instream or ecological flow regimes

c) Lake and river habitat restoration

together with all the Ecohydraulics, Riparian and Lake Ecosystems related themes.

There are five keynote sessions and 46 special sessions in the conference. Further, there are 37 general sessions under the themes of ‘Ecohydraulics in practice’ and ‘Fundamentals of Ecohydraulics’ (please refer ISE 2018 conference website).

I would like to invite you to participate in the Symposium which will be a great opportunity to gather multi-disciplinary communities of  researchers and professionals, as well as old and new friends from all over the world, in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Symposium will be held in the Nihon University, Tokyo, which is situated just 15 min walk from the iconic Imperial Palace. All sightseeing spots of Tokyo are easily accessible by frequent local trains from the symposium venue. Hope you will enjoy the magnificent feel of friendliness and traditional spirit of Japan.

Please visit the Symposium link for more information: http://ise2018.com/

The online registration and submission system is now open and can be accessed through the Symposium website.