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IWRA's XVII Congress Reminder of New Call for Submissions
2021.04.29 09:04




Reminder - Call for Additional Abstracts & Special Sessions

IWRA's XVII World Water Congress
29 November - 3 December 2021, Daegu, Korea

Deadline: Friday, April 30th
IWRA and the Korean co-organisers of the  XVII World Water Congress (Ministry of Environment; Daegu Metropolitan City; K-water; Korea Water Resources Association), would like to remind you that the call for additional abstracts and special sessions submissions to be added to the Congress programme taking place this year between November 29th and December 3rd in Daegu, Korea, is open.
Important: Submissions accepted in the previous call are still valid and remain in the system unless they are formally withdrawn.  This call for new submissions also offers a chance to present research and work focussing on the COVID-19 pandemic, under the recently added Congress sub-theme - "Building resilient systems for climate change, growing populations and epidemics".  Please note that due to programme limitations, only the best abstracts and special sessions proposals can be accepted.  Preference may be given to abstracts and proposals that include a strong focus on COVID-19, and experiences learned from responding to the pandemic at local, national or regional levels.

Please  send your proposals for oral and poster presentations, as well as special sessions, if you have not already done so, by Friday, April 30th 2021.

The overarching theme of the XVII World Water Congress remains "Foundations for Global Water Security and Resilience: Knowledge, Technology and Policy", with 5 different sub-themes and 3 cross-cutting issues.  A revised sub-theme on "Building resilient systems for climate change, growing populations and epidemicswas recently added.

Call for Abstracts

  • Experts, academics, water professionals, private sector practitioners, and civil society stakeholders, from all disciplines and perspectives who wish to present their work and experiences during this Congress, need to submit an abstract.  Abstracts should clearly have a focus on one of the sub-themes, describe the research, analysis, project or investigation in a maximum of 350 words, in English (with no graphs, charts, diagrams, images, references, or citations).  Once accepted, a full paper will be submitted by November 3rd, 2021, for both oral and poster presentations.  The International Scientific Committee (ISC) will offer to peer review a strictly limited number of papers in cases where authors need peer review to obtain funding to attend the congress.  More info here.

Call for Special Sessions

  • A Special Session is a parallel session on the main congress programme, proposed to the ISC by an organisation or group of organisations.  It needs to be aligned with one or more of the congress themes, with focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, and a significant issue not explicitly covered by one of the official sub-themes, and/ or highlighting an important collaborative programme or initiative.  A special session must be of interest to a broad range of congress delegates, not just designed for project collaborators and stakeholders. Typically, it comprises a 90-minute session, with specific content and speakers (5 to 6), prepared in English under 1,000 words.  More info here

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us at congress@iwra.org or wwcongress@exco.co.kr.
We look forward to receiving your proposals!