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[외부행사] 1st IAHR Online Forum | Daily programme: Monday 5 July
2021.07.05 10:07


IAHR(국제수환경공학회)에서는 아래와 같이 제1회 온라인 포럼을 개최합니다.

- 일시 : 7월 5일(월) ~ 7월 8일(목)

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    - 지형수리학, 기후변화, NBS, 물과 COVID19, 물 인프라

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- 참가방법 : 온라인 참가


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1st IAHR Online Forum
An essential reference for experts and stakeholders interested in the latest intelligence on the way that countries will address water solutions in the future.
#IAHRonlineforum #watersecurity
Join us for the 1st IAHR Online Forum
Under the overall theme Hydro-Environmental Challenges, Solutions and Trends for Water Security, the 1st IAHR Online Forum includes key plenaries and technical sessions that cover a range of topics essential to water security.

Attending the Forum sessions

You’ll just need to go to the live page on the 1st IAHR Online Forum website and click on button 'Live' under each of the sessions..

1s IAHR Online Forum daily programme

Monday 5 July | Plenary sessions

Opening session. Awards

Time: 06:00-08:00 UTC/GMT | 08:00-10:00 Madrid | 11:30-13:30 New Delhi | 14:00-16:00 Beijing | 23:00-01:00 Los Angeles (4 July)
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Opening Session. Awards
Opening session. Awards
Welcome remarks and introduction by Joseph Hun-Wei Lee, IAHR President; Jing Peng, IAHR Secretary General; Áurea Perucho, Director General, CEDEX. Spain; Abou Amani, Director, UNESCO's Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP); and María Bermúdez, Co-Chair of the 39th IAHR World Congress.
Keynote talks on hydro-environment for water security by Annemieke Nijhof, CEO, Deltares, Netherlands; Jackie King, Institute of Water Studies, University of the Western Cape. South Africa; Wang Dianchang, Director of Department of Environmental Protection, China Three Gorges Corporation.
Announcement of IAHR awards by Joseph Hun-Wei Lee, IAHR President; and Robert Ettema, IAHR Vice-President and Chair of the Awards Committee.
>> More information

Hydro-Environment from Source to Sea

Time: 08:30-10:00 UTC/GMT | 10:30-12:00 Madrid | 14:00-15:30 New Delhi | 16:30-18:00 Beijing | 01:30-03:00 Los Angeles
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Hydro-Environment from Source to Sea
Hydro-Environment from Source to Sea, chaired by the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management.
The session brings together senior actors from the freshwater and ocean communities to share experiences and visions for source-to-sea management, and discuss the latest knowledge regarding the challenges, directions, innovations and solutions at the local, national and international levels. Chaired by Torkil Jønch Clausen, Chair of the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management. Denmark; and Tom Soo, IAHR Executive Director.
Keynote by Jakob Granit, Director, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Sweden. Applying the water security concept from source to sea – challenges and opportunities
Panel discussion with Miguel Ortega, Chair of the 39th IAHR World Congress; Helmut Habersack, Head of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research. Austria; Jakob Granit, Director, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Sweden; José María Grassa, Director Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies, CEDEX. Spain; Nadia Pinardi, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; Fatimatou Sall, President of the Young Water and Sanitation Professionals Association. Senegal; Minna Epps, Director Global Marine and Polar Programme, IUCN. Switzerland
>> More information

A Diverse Approach to Hydraulic and Environmental Research - Vision and Mission of Women Scientists

Time: 12:30-14:00 UTC/GMT | 14:30-16:00 Madrid | 18:00-19:30 New Delhi | 20:30-22:00 Beijing | 05:30-07:00 Los Angeles | 08:30-10:00 New York
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A Diverse Approach to Hydraulic and Environmental Research. Vision and Mission of Women Scientists
A Diverse Approach to Hydraulic and Environmental Research. Vision and Mission of Women Scientists, chaired by the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems of the University of Stuttgart, Germany; and the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. The session brings together five top women scientists to discuss their visions and missions in their specific areas of interest. Chaired by Silke Wieprecht, IAHR Vice-President; and Amparo López, IAHR Council Member. 
Keynote Panel with Luigia Brandimarte, Associate Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Sweden; Silvia Meniconi, Associate Professor, University of Perugia. Italy; Maike Paul, Head of Ecohydraulics Research Group and Ecosystem Services, Ludwig Franzius Institute, Leibniz Univeristät Hannover. Germany; Un Ji, Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT). Korea; and Lucy Emerton | Environmental Economics and Finance Director, Environment Management Group. Sri Lanka/UK.
>> More information

Monday 5 July | Technical sessions

Challenges in Transient Flows
10:00 UTC | 11:00 London | 12:00 Madrid | 15:30 New Delhi | 18:00 Beijing | 20:00 Sydney | 03:00 Los Angeles | 06:00 New York
Led by the IAHR Working Group on Transient Flows
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Fluvial Hydraulics - Challenges for a Better Future
14:00 UTC | 15:00 London | 16:00 Central Europe | 19:30 New Delhi | 22:00 Beijing | 00:00 Sydney | 07:00 Los Angeles | 10:00 New York
Led by the IAHR Technical Committee on on Fluvial Hydraulics
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Hydraulic Design Guidance in a Changing Climate
14:00 UTC | 15:00 London | 16:00 Madrid | 19:30 New Delhi | 22:00 Beijing | 24:00 Sydney | 07:00 Los Angeles | 10:00 New York
Led by the IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
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5th W.A.T.E.R. Summer School
16:00 UTC | 17:00 London | 18:00 Madrid | 21:30 New Delhi | 00:00 Beijing | 02:00 Sydney | 09:00 Los Angeles | 12:00 New York
Led by the IAHR Technical Committee on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation
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Programme overview

1st IAHR Online Forum. Programme overview
Full programme
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