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[외부행사] Global Integrated Flood and Drought Management Competition for Youth-Led Projects 2025 안내
2025.02.24 02:02

Global Integrated Flood and Drought Management Competition for Youth-Led Projects 2025 개최 안내를
아래와 같이 알려드립니다.
관심있는 회원 여러분의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

                                                                                 -   아   래   -

We are excited to announce the launch of the latest edition of the Global Integrated Flood and Drought Management Competition for Youth-Led Projects 2025under the Associated Programme on Flood Management ( APFM) & Integrated Drought Management Programme ( IDMP) – joint programmes of WMO & Global Water Partnership (GWP). 

The competition aims to fund innovative, youth-led solutions that enhance resilience to floods and drought events and contribute to Early Warnings for All.

We are currently calling for project proposals (the full eligibility criteria and priority areas can be found here). Proposals from young staff of NMHSs are strongly encouraged.

For this, we would greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word within your networks in the countries and encouraging potential applicants (even within your institutions) to submit their proposals. We are especially targeting:

  • Individuals/groups/youth organizations actively engaged in climate action, disaster risk reduction, and water management.
  • Early-career professionals working in NGOs, startups, and community-based organizations focused on water, innovation, and resilience-building.
  • University students and research institutions.
  • NMHSs young professionals.

In the past editions, we have supported projects that have transformed communities and enhanced disaster resilience in South Africa, Colombia, Indonesia, and Tanzania. You can find more information on the above projects here.